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Сомнамбула чоловіча

Сомнамбула чоловіча
Сомнамбула чоловіча
Сомнамбула чоловіча
Сомнамбула чоловіча
Сомнамбула чоловіча
Сомнамбула чоловіча
Сомнамбула чоловіча
Сомнамбула чоловіча
Сомнамбула чоловіча
Сомнамбула чоловіча
Сомнамбула чоловіча
Сомнамбула чоловіча
Сомнамбула чоловіча
Сомнамбула чоловіча
Сомнамбула чоловіча
Сомнамбула чоловіча
Сомнамбула чоловіча
Сомнамбула чоловіча
Сомнамбула чоловіча
Сомнамбула чоловіча
Сомнамбула чоловіча
  • Наявність: В наявності
Без ПДВ: $160.00

Доступні варіанти

The unique transformer suit "Somnambula" embodies the modern, rational person's dream of practical, versatile clothing and gear. You can turn your Somnambula into stylish and comfortable everyday wear, or into durable and reliable equipment that expands your possibilities depending on the place and situation. For example, you can transform your Somnambula into a sleeping bag or shoulder bag, backpack, outer insulation layer on a hammock, camping suit, or a regular sweater...with more than 38 transformations! The "Somnambula" transformer suit HAS NO DIRECT ANALOGUES, so you will surely surprise yourself and those around you. The suit is made using seamless technology from a special stabilized acrylic and can withstand harsh usage conditions. The idea of creating Somnambula arose from a difficult extreme situation. It took three years to develop and test the transformer through field trials in different focus groups and under various conditions, experiments with materials, and improvement of manufacturing technology. Our requirements were very simple - the item should be of high quality, and its execution should be at the level of the best textile products in the world. We are confident that multifunctionality is the philosophy of the future and one of the best ways to care for the preservation of our planet's resources. When one item can turn into many other useful devices - this is augmented reality! The second option is available as a custom order, in any color of 100% luxury merino wool, natural, soft, warm, delicate, but requiring gentle care. Somnambula is travel clothing that looks stylish in urban environments, has no direct analogues, so you will surely surprise yourself and those around you. It's also a useful and unique gift.

Demonstration of transformations (video):


  • sleeping bag
  • camping suit
  • vest with balaclava helmet
  • sweater
  • vest
  • overall
  • bedouin style
  • bag
  • backpack

В комплекте чохол, колір – чорний, розмір: діаметр – 16 см, довжина – 40 см
Фурнитура блискавки японської фірми YKK, спеціальні нитки Alterfil (Німеччина)
Матеріал стабілізована нейтроном акрилова пряжа Vernitas (Литва)
Розміри 40 × 12 × 12 cm
Вага від 900 грам до 1300 грам, в залежності від розміру

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